Dr. Mark Christian

Dr. Mark Christian

Dr. Mark Christian is the President and Executive Director of the Global Faith Institute. A former Islamic Imam who converted from Islam to Christianity, he has dedicated his life and work to the proposition that “the first victims of Islam are the Muslim themselves.” 

Dr. Christian was raised in the epicenter of the Muslim Brotherhood and understands the goals and strategy of this organization and their goal of world conquest.  He provides one-of-a-kind insight into the players, the shifting alliances, motives, and movements taking place in the Muslim world and the impact it is having on around the globe and specifically, in America.

Global Faith Institute works with churches, schools, and civic organizations across the country to educate them about Islam and the civilization jihad taking place in our schools, churches, and government.  Their mission is to give a voice to the victims of Islam, expose the real war on women, and protect the US constitution and our Judeo-Christian values.  Visit their website at www.globalfaith.org for more information.